Healthy Weight Week – Helping Change the Focus


January 19-25 is Healthy Weight Week and with the start of a new year, this allows us to focus on the most beneficial and realistic means of improving the overall health of your employees. The purpose of Healthy Weight Week is to help change the idea that dieting is a good option for weight loss. Rather, its focus is that dieting is harmful both physically and mentally, and focusing on positive body images and viewing food in a more positive light is critical.

Weight issues can be tracked to numerous sources, and data certainly supports that those with poor diets have higher cholesterol levels, blood pressure and instances of diabetes. Introducing healthier food choices in small increments, instead of imposing restrictive diets that are difficult for anyone to adopt, makes goals easier to both see and reach. During Healthy Weight Week, encourage your employees to try the following steps:

  • Put the scales away; do not focus on numbers, focus on positive thoughts.
  • Instead of focusing on dieting, focus on small changes in food choices, as well as understanding that being a certain weight/body type is not important.
  • Think about activities that allow them to be physically active in a way they truly enjoy – is it walking, biking, playing a team sport? Start with a few minutes of an activity they consider fun and work toward increasing that each day.
  • Encourage group activities; if it is realistic, allow your employees time to walk as a group for 15 minutes daily. Employees will see that their employer cares about their health, and is supportive of any efforts to reach their goals.
  • Choose healthier food swaps; do a little research to see the benefits of replacing certain high fat/sodium/cholesterol-filled foods with healthier choices, and try to incorporate fruits, vegetables and lean proteins instead.
  • Recognize when they need quiet time to destress, calm their minds, and relax; try to set aside even 15 minutes each day for themselves.

Healthy Weight Week is a time to change minds, improve self-esteem, and begin anew. It’s a time to reflect on acceptance of all body types while encouraging good choices and positive outlooks. Helping employees see the value in improving their physical and mental health, while providing support as they work toward these goals, will ultimately improve your business as a whole. The upside of wellness programs will be reflected in your culture and your bottom line.