Cholesterol Levels – What is the Impact on Group Health?


National Cholesterol Education Month (September) highlights the importance of eating a healthy diet, which will be reflected in lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, better overall BMI, lower risks of both heart disease and stroke, reduced incidences of obesity and cancer prevention. We often hear about the importance of making good choices in our daily eating habits, and it can be difficult to make changes to longstanding habits and eating our favorite foods. When looking at the overall health of a group of employees, cholesterol levels are a critical factor, due to their impact on so many other health outcomes for the group.

Through regular guidance from health coaches, plan members can learn to make important changes to their daily choices and habits. Helpful tips include choosing fresh fruits and vegetables based upon their color, such as red (tomatoes, watermelon, cranberries), green (broccoli, green beans, kale, cabbage) or blue (eggplant, blueberries). Fresh vegetables and fruits are excellent sources of cholesterol-lowering antioxidants. These important changes, along with establishing regular exercise routines, will be significant steps toward improving and maintaining better overall biometrics and healthier employees, which in turn can help reduce the costs of your company’s health plan.